jANE bANK: Coat of Arms - an explanation


What does the Motto mean?

"Numquam Cede" - Latin for "Never Surrender"

What do the Symbols Mean?

Sun - Life the universe and everything, technology, future, enlightenment, science, big bang, elements, stardust.

Crown - Crown of Scotland, royalty, leadership, authority.

Shield with Chevron - Basis of jANe bANk's family coat of arms.

Mantle - Red for Canada, Blue for Scotland.

Shield supporters - Rampart lions (regardant) facing outward, watchful, protective, strength, Scottish origins and heritage, from Flag of Scotland. They hold an ankh and a cross (personal significance to jANe bANkers.

Beaver - Canada, water, industry and perseverance, nature.

Ship - From original family crest, emigration, love of travel, water.

Eggs - Two for jANe bANk's, eggz, founding offering from jANe bANk studios, need we say more.

Horn - Sound, music, all things audio.

Eye/Pyramid - All seeing, reading, writing, art, things visual, knowledge.

Tree - Life and the mystical connection of the earth with heaven and the underworld. It also represents nature, growth and foundation. The branches intertwine to form the numbers 2 and 4, significant to both jANe bANker's.

What do the Colours Mean?

Gold or Yellow(Or) Signifies wisdom, generosity, glory, constancy and faith. and elevation of the mind, wealth, prosperity.
Silver or White (Argent) Signifies truth, sincerity, peace, innocence and purity. Used here to represent part of the flag of Scotland.
Red (Gules) Signifies magnanimity, military strength, warrior or martyr. Represents Canada.
Blue (Azure) Signifies loyalty, chastity, truth, strength and faith. Represents Scotland.
Green (Vert) Signifies abundance, joy, hope and loyalty in love.
Black (Sable) Signifies wisdom, grief, constancy and prudence.
Purple (Purpure) Signifies temperance, regal, justice, royal majesty, and sovereignty.
Orange (Tawny or Tenne) Signifies Worthy ambition.

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